Wertschätzung für unsere Mitarbeiter: Zusammen mit anderen Hotels der Region haben wir einen Qualifizierungsverbund gegründet, in dem wir für unsere geschätzten Mitarbeiter kostenlose Weiter- und Ausbildungen organisieren.
Außerdem sollen sie schön wohnen und gut schlafen: Im Mitarbeiterhaus „Anna” in unmittelbarer Nähe zum Hotel stehen dem gesamten Team sowohl ansprechende Unterkünfte als auch eine schmackhafte, bio-zertifizierte Verpflegung kostenlos zur Verfügung.
Dass unser Hotel rauchfrei ist, schätzen Mitarbeiter wie Gäste.
Sustainable & Zero*Superior
Protecting the planet is important to us:
- energy-saving lightbulbs
- detergents certified with the Ecolabel (the official EU green certification scheme).
- minimising waste by planning ahead
- food waste
- careful recycling
- high-speed charging station for electric vehicles (cars and bikes)
- 100% green electricity (from hydropower, wind, biomass and other sustainable sources)
- Spring water drawn from two natural springs above our hotel has been used for more than 60 years. The water is extremely soft (°dH 3.56) and therefore gentle on hair and skin. As a result, you only need a very small amount of washing liquid – and no softener at all.
- Our swimming pools use the minimum amount of chlorine required under Austrian law.
- Organic body care products in the bathroom
- and much more...
We take our social responsibility seriously:
We appreciate and support our staff. We have teamed up with other hotels in the region to create a qualifications body offering free training in a wide range of topics leading to additional qualifications.
We also know how important it is to relax outside working hours. That is why our staff accommodation house next to the main hotel building offers free accommodation for members of our hotel team as well as free organically certified meals for the staff.
The Resi is also 100% non-smoking, which is appreciated by both guests and staff alike.
Öko-soziales Gewissen